Chi Nei Tsang is a powerful abdominal massage modality that has had a major influence on how we work with people. It has benefited our own gut and emotional health and so are very passionate about sharing it with others.While studying Thai massage in Chiang Mai, Thailand, I learned about Chi Nei Tsang (CNT), an ancient Taoist abdominal massage. Many of my classmates raved about the results they were experiencing. I was not quite turned on to the idea of someone working on my belly, but was left curious. In the following months, I continued my travels through Southeast Asia when I met Michael, who became my travel partner, eventually a business partner, and now my life partner. Together we explored Malaysia & Singapore, dived through Bali, and ventured through the Philippines. Even though we were having the time of our lives, Michael was experiencing chronic abdominal pain every morning and we had no clue as to why. On our next visit to Thailand, we decided to do more research into CNT and both trained with a student of Mantak Chia, a master teacher of this modality. The following are ways it has made a significant change in our lives. Supports a Healthy Digestive SystemAfter a few weeks of receiving the abdominal massage, Michael found sweet relief. Chi, meaning energy, and Nei Tsang which means internal organs is about using both effleurage and intuitive pressure points to move the energy through the gut. We later found out that it was parasites from water, but the abdominal massage stimulated the eliminative channels which optimized the body to restore itself back to health. According to the Universal Healing Tao's website, "Chi, the life-force energy, moves through the body’s internal channels, nervous system, blood vessels, and lymph glands. These systems concentrate and cross paths in the abdomen, which acts as their control center. Tensions, worries, and stresses of the day, month, or year accumulate and are seldom dispersed. ‘These disturbances can cause physical tangling and knotting of the nerves, blood vessels, and lymph nodes. The result is the gradual obstruction of energy circulation, which may lead to any number of maladies including, but not limited to, indigestion, constipation, bloating, insomnia, whole body toxicity, poor skin quality, and an inability to lose weight." Aids in Relieve Menstrual Cycle PainIn my experience in receiving this abdominal massage, I found a great relief from monthly menstrual pains. Our teacher Yu suggested doing a monthly CNT session at least 5-7 days before my cycle and I have found that committing to this has worked wonders. Addresses Emotional BlocksIn our studies, the gut is referred to as the second brain. More and more research is being done on the brain-gut axis which supports this statement. With 90% of our serotonin being produced in our digestive tract, it makes sense why it is said that we carry our emotions in our gut. This explains why we get "butterflies" when we are nervous or we get "sick to our stomach" when anxious or stressed. In our experience of both giving and receiving Chi Nei Tsang treatments, we have seen so much improvement in digestion, the reproductive system, as well as the nervous system. Clients have either entered a deep state of relaxation and/or found great emotional and physical relief. We highly recommend experiencing Chi Nei Tsang to bring more awareness to your gut health. Since most illnesses stem from stagnant energy, so this will truly move the energy throughout the gut and body leaving you with a feeling of renewal and detoxification. To read about other people's experiences in receiving abdominal massage and our other healing modalities, check out some of our reviews!
About the writer:Marisa loves hoop dancing, riding her bicycle, playing, hosting gatherings, practicing yoga, traveling, meeting people, eating, and savoring dark chocolate covered strawberries and coconut ice cream. She strives to be fully present, compassionate, and act and connect from a place of love. Archives
June 2021